
A searchable database, UR-Linked allows aspiring undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to connect with faculty mentors across campus. UR-Linked includes faculty profiles as well as more specific information about their research projects and artistic endeavors.

*Examples: Vietnam War, Women Composers, Astronomy, Labor Policy, Urban Education, Earthquakes, Magical Realism, Cyber-Security, Entrepreneurship

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      In my lab (lab PANDA - pediatric abuse, neglect, disaster, and adversity) we study children who have been exposed to various types of adverse childhood events. This includes single incident traumas, such as disasters, as well as chronic traumas or stressors, such abuse, neglect, & violence exposure. Specific lines of research include 1) identifying risk and protective factors following exposure to trauma or adversity, 2) identifying helpful ways for caregivers to talk to children about disasters, and 3) evaluating the effectiveness of available trauma treatments in community-based settings. Within these lines of research we work from multiple frameworks, including developmental, clinical child, family systems, & strengths-based. We also use multiple methods - physiological, observational, parent-child interaction tasks, & clinical interviews. Our ultimate goal is to understand which interventions work for whom, under which circumstances, and to help promote the use of these interventions in community-based mental health treatment settings.
      Civil & Mechanical Engineering  
      Our research group explores the reuse of industrial waste byproducts for engineering applications such as environmental remediation, soil stabilization, concrete, coatings, etc. In particular we look at geoenvironmental applications and waste valorization. Additionally,creating geomembranes and exploiting expansive soils for engineering applications such as vertical barrier technology are areas we work in.
      Cell Biology & Biophysics  
      We investigate the cell-cell signals that organize yeast into communities, such as colonies and communities. These simple chemical signals and their functions in organizing communities may reflect some of the most ancient and fundamental forms of communication on the planet. The ways that cells communicate, and the evolution of these forms of communication have profound biological and health significance.