
A searchable database, UR-Linked allows aspiring undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to connect with faculty mentors across campus. UR-Linked includes faculty profiles as well as more specific information about their research projects and artistic endeavors.

*Examples: Vietnam War, Women Composers, Astronomy, Labor Policy, Urban Education, Earthquakes, Magical Realism, Cyber-Security, Entrepreneurship

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      English Language & Literature  
      Within the field of English literature, my research centers on the literature and culture of Tudor and Jacobean England. My approach brings a blend of social history with literary criticism to the study of poetry, plays, and popular prose written by Shakespeare, Milton, Jonson, and their contemporaries. I am particularly interested in how issues of class, labor, and occupation shaped both authorial approaches and representations of individuals in texts. I am also interested in gender, particularly masculinity as it intersects with social class.