
A searchable database, UR-Linked allows aspiring undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to connect with faculty mentors across campus. UR-Linked includes faculty profiles as well as more specific information about their research projects and artistic endeavors.

*Examples: Vietnam War, Women Composers, Astronomy, Labor Policy, Urban Education, Earthquakes, Magical Realism, Cyber-Security, Entrepreneurship


    Research Description
    Theoretical condensed matter physics and material sciences. Study of electronic, magnetic, optical, dynamical, structural and superconducting properties of ordered and disordered solids, interatomic bonding (including H-bonding) by a variety of theoretical and computational methods. Development of computational methods and tools for interpreting experimental data, and in predicting new materials and phenomena as part of materials informatics. In recent years, major efforts are on the following systems focusing on complex materials.

    Afflicated Department(s)

    Physics and Astronomy  

Now that UR-Linked has helped you to identify a faculty member whose interests align with your interests, be sure to review the essential steps in contacting a potential faculty mentor.

The Director of Undergraduate Research, Dr. Jane Greer., can provide you with further guidance about finding and connecting with faculty mentors at UMKC.

Once you have reviewed the essential steps to prepare for connecting with a potential faculty mentor, you can use the "Contact Details" for this project to connect with the faculty member and to begin a conversation about how you might work with that him or her.